Sunday, September 04, 2005

Bush Gets #2

With the passing of William Rehnquist, President Bush now gets his second Supreme Court Justice Appointment. Our left-leaning friends who have spent the last several weeks fabricating stories about and/or trashing Justice John Roberts will now get a new target.

Oh well, they have to have something to do.

TDD, if you're still with us, any comment on John Roberts?


MCR said...

This morning's news reports that GWB has asked John Roberts to be the new chief justice!

A constitutional originalist as chief justice, with another pick coming soon.

This is rich.

Anonymous said...

TDD and Matt Jackson are the same person. That's why both blogspot sites are going no comment. Matt wants everything on blogdecatur.

VPCheney said...

Nominating Judge Roberts as Chief should (could) streamline the process by cutting the confirmation proceedings from 3 to 2, since there won't have to be a separate confirmation for Chief.

The pendulum of political continuity continues to swing. Soon, it could actually be near the center, and beginning to bear right.

Anonymous said...

It is horrible that the President can pick a new Chief Justice before the Rehnquist's funeral and within a couple days of his death. On the other hand how long did it take the President forget his vacation and take carry of business with the problems of the folks along the Gulf coast.

LincolnRepublican said...

Error #1: President Bush did not *pick* a chief justice, he nominated him. The president multi-tasks, as ALL presidents do.

Error #2: No President is EVER on a "true" vacation; they always are working, always getting phone calls, always taking care of business. Please. This *natural disaster* is FIRST the responsibility of the local/state leaders. Then, maybe, the feds come in. I think our President did exactly what our constitution says he is supposed to do. How would you like it if everytime we had a tornado or hurricane, the feds came into your town and took over? Not a good idea. It's all about STATE/LOCAL responsibility, not for the FEDERAL GOV'T to do everything for us.

Anonymous said...

At least Mr.Roberts appears to be qualified for the job. That does not appear to be true about the guys Bush picked,nominated or whatever to run FEMA.

LincolnRepublican said...

Amen to that. I heard on O'Reilly that the media knew more about what was going on in New Orleans than this guy did!

I would agree with a recently quoted republican senator who said, "this guy won't be around much longer." (I can't remember who that was...Trent Lott I think.)

Anonymous said...

I think TDD put his service to the nation before blogging. That's a lot more than one could say about a lot of the individuals on the right who pound their chest about being proud Americans.
Grant Vaught is serving his country. That's more than one could say about those in the administration that do not tell the truth about their background and get jobs they no way have a clue about it.
So do not worry about TDD. Worry about what the president going to do to correct Mr. Brown's mess of the south.
By the way I'm a democrat and Roberts is probasbly a good choice for Chief Justice.
I wish only the administration was as concern about Americans in the south than Iraq or who is going to be on the Supreme Court.

LincolnRepublican said...

I don't worry about what the President is going to do with Blanco's/Nagin's mess of Louisiana. FEMA is cleaning up THEIR mess. And perhaps Brown wasn't the smartest guy around, but his problems did not cause what we're seeing.

It is the left's handling of the State of Louisiana for the past 40-60 years that has led up to this problem. Brown just wasn't the right guy to come in and help clean it up.

Grant Vaught? Who is he? Is he TDD? If he is in the military, where is he stationed? Can we email him/write to him/encourage him? Please let us know. (I thought about signing up after 9/11, but they don't take guys my age.)