Thursday, September 29, 2005

Justice John Roberts Sworn In!!

Justice John Roberts was confirmed today as our 17th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.

The sharks missed this one. They will be aiming for the next one, I'm sure.

1 comment:

VPCheney said...

I think there are two possibilities here. One, as suggested by SpongeBlog, that they will concentrate efforts to deny confirmation.
Harry Reid says no, but he typically spouts nonsense and spin, non-stop. I'm sure the Dems will try to exploit the Karl Rove connection in their never ending quest to humiliate themselves in their attempts to humiliate the President.

Number two, that this nominee is exactly what GWB promised, a constitutionalist in the mold of Kennedy or Scalia. Conservatives should not be so concerned and disheartened that the lack of a paper trail doesn't pin her down. I think we can trust the President's judgment on this.