Tuesday, March 21, 2006


American Deaths over the Last Three Years Put in Perspective:

• Auto Accidents: 120,000
• Falling Down: 45,000
• Poisoning: 27,000
• Drowning: 12,000
• War in Iraq: 2,300

(c) 2006 EIB Network


LincolnRepublican said...

Look a little closer at today's press conference. This also puts things into perspective:


VPCheney said...

The President handled the WH Press Corp with solid idealism. Nearly Reaganesque. Honest optimism.

Calling out the Libs who are using the "incoming terrorist calls" and other useful means of protecting Americans as a partisan issue should be honest and call for the abolition of the tools used to protect the citizenry. If they believe that they are illegal, why don't they?
They don't, because they want to misdirect and use it as a political issue. It won't work, because it would show them in their true light. (appeasers or hypocrites)

VPCheney said...

Yet another liberal UK run website recommended by Mr. Jackson...

Libs have always liked the body count numbers, for two reasons at least. First of all they try to use it as a means to make the U.S. look like monsters or baby killers. And, they think it helps them bring humanity to war. Well, Matt, there is no room for your liberal humanity in warfare. Kill, or BE killed. I DO sleep better at night knowing that our patriotic Armed Forces are protecting America against any of those who would do us harm.

Those who would do us harm should be the ones who have problems sleeping at night.
Would you feel like it were more fair if both sides had similar body counts?
Liberals just cannot be trusted with the defense of our country.

I wonder what the annual body count for Iraqi citizens was while Saddam was in charge? Is it possible that the "civilian body count" is actually much lower now with the Saddam regime gone?

LincolnRepublican said...

The topic was AMERICAN deaths.

British and other coalition forces' deaths were also not listed.

I agree with VP. War is hell. That's what happens. I would have liked to not have any war, but, I can't see letting Saddum keep raping, murdering, genociding, terrorizing his way along in Iraq. Many people have died on both sides, and the Iraqi's that have died are just as sad a loss as any other person.

Just a question, but how many Germans/Italians/Japanese (total: soldiers and civilians) died when the Russians, Brits, and we Americans fought and defeated them in WWII? Lots,lots more, and especially the civilians. Our military has got much better at minimizing "collateral damage."

LincolnRepublican said...

You actually believe the US is DIRECTLY responsible for ALL Iraqi deaths since the beginning of the war?

Saddam, Syrians and other terrorist IED designers had NOTHING to do with any other deaths?

What was I thinking? There's no way ANYONE else could be responsible.

You've convinced me.

George Bush is evil. We need more people like Saddam in the Middle East. Rape rooms, mass graves, WMDs moving to and fro, that is the way to save lives!

Anonymous said...

VP Cheney your ignorance of the military shines through! I guess your 5 deferments left you a little short of knowledge on the topic.
Well, Matt, there is no room for your liberal humanity in warfare.

You say its killed or be killed? Have you ever heard of RoE or Rules of Engagement, do you possibly think we might have these in Iraq? It's not killed or be killed my friend. We have the Geneva Conventions and RoE to preserve humanity in warfare. Maybe that makes the military one big kooky liberal organization. Go get 'em Dick!

Anonymous said...

Matt, in case you missd it, I'm agreeing with you.