Sunday, May 14, 2006

God Sends Ted Kennedy A Message

I just read the story about Ted Kennedy's plane getting hit by lightning.

Perhaps God is trying to tell Teddy something?

I can see it now: Ted reclines back with a scotch in his hand, and says, "God, give me a sign. Am I doing a good job?"



LincolnRepublican said...

First his plane gets hit by lightning, and now his state gets flooded.

I wonder if anyone will say this is God's wrath on Massachusetts?

VPCheney said...

Welcome back SpongeBlog!

Teddy IS consistent in his love for foreign liquor and foreign citizens... He prefers the imports over the good old American brands.

LincolnRepublican said...


Nice to see you back.

Yes, I would agree, he would explode if exposed to an open flame (or lightning strike, as it were.)

If it weren't the alcohol, the hot air inside would certainly combust as well.