Didn't someone in our local blogs say something recently about the similarity between good old Mahmoud Dude in Iran and Uncle Adolf?
It would appear to be closer to the truth than we could have ever imagined!
Iran has passed a law saying that if you are a Jew, Christian, or whatever, you must wear a badge to identify yourself if you are a NON-MUSLIM.
Check this out. Scary scary scary.
Proud Parrot
I'm assuming that your opening line, "Meanwhile in the USA" that you do NOT think Mahmood's regime looks strikingly similar to the Third Reich?
I do. And I'm wondering if the liberals in this world have their heads in the sand.
If Neville Chamberlain were alive today...
MCR is right, you do sound angry.
There's no "party line" here. There's no talking points. The story was brought to my attention by Rush Limbaugh, but the truth about the story remains.
This guy is acting very much like Hitler did. Plain and simple. We all know what Hitler did, and therefore we know what this guy might do.
That's all I was attempting to say. Somehow, you drew in GOP talking points, etc. I am NOT attempting to substantiate any war with Iran, but I also know what appeasement and whining about war have done in the past. I pray there is a peaceful solution.
To be honest Matt, I really don't care what you think of me or what I write. You obviously don't try to understand my point of view; since I'm not a democrat I'm obviously a GOP drone and don't think for myself. I'm not part of the elite that is the liberal? Rush is beginning to sound more right as the days go by.
And another thing: When I parrot a story I at least credit my source. I don't scour the web and then pass it off as my own. You've been caught before, and I thought if it were really worth the effort, I'm sure I could prove you're parrotting a good portion of the time. You call it your own thoughts, but these stories and ideas had to have entered your brain somehow. Like through the Daily Kos, democrats.org, or some other left-wing site du jour.
Spitting bile?!?! Where have I seen that line before.
Okay, it's time. I think it's time.
10. Go cry with your GOP buddies.
9. I don't cut and paste.
8. I always* cite my sources.
7. Why don't you go get a girlfriend.
6. You must have got the GOP talking points.
5. That was lame.
4. You are pathetic.
3. Go thump your Bible somewhere else (paraphrased from several quotes.)
2. Fear-mongerer.
And the number one republican/conservative/anyone-who-doesn't-agree-with -Matt-bashing line:
1. You're spitting bile.
There. Now all I have to do is refer to each line by number everytime you use it.
I should do a little search on-line and see which lib website these originated from....
I have to say it again: OH MY GOD.
I just went to the website most recently listed by Matthew Jackson.
These people are KOOKS with a capital K! Saying the GOP is fascist? It would be very easy to assign values to each of the points listed on the website and attribute them to the DNC, too.
This site, and others like them, just show the desparity of the DNC to get voters. Since they have no ideas of their own, the must bash, denegrate, invent, and lie in order to get people to actually vote for a party with no direction whatsoever. Having Howard Dean at its helm only reinforces this point. Despite the struggles our country has had in the past few years, the republicans at least have been DOING something. They haven't been sitting back and Bush-bashing, GOP-bashing, saying "NO" or other similar DNC idiocy. (Insert Matt list 1-10 in varying order.)
I can only say that this is where the DNC is today: CLICK HERE
Matt, you seem to have no solutions to any problems we talk about, and your responses are 98 percent attacks or critisism of the poster. Conservatives discuss ideas and solutions. Whether you want to admit it or not, you don't. Your whole agenda (if it can even be called that) is to ridicule and demean any idea, solution or plan if it doesn't originate with the DNC or some liberal blogger.
ONCE, a long. long time ago, we discussed the need for new nuclear power plants. This is the one time I can remember that you actually used some logic in your argument. I still don't completely agree with you about that issue, but respected and considered your argument to NOT build any more. What has happened? Why have you abandoned logic, reasonable discussion and thought in favor of towing the liberal line?
You are so brainwashed by the DNC and liberal idiots that you don't even (or do you?) realize that the real parrot in this is you. And I get the feeling that as a LIBERAL PARROT, you don't even speak English. Gibberish maybe.
Encore, VP, encore!
That's all I can say.
What has Matt been drinking?
I'm one to argue a point, and I've seen his argumentative side (he doesn't care so much for me or my views.) I've never seen him so--downright beligerant.
Everyone has their bad days, I guess.
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