Monday, June 12, 2006

Help Wanted

In the Al-Qaida Times:

Supervisory Position: Al Qaida-Iraq

Former leader recently inherited 72 virgins and is not likely to be back. Duties include beheading, organizing (not completing) suicide bombings, and being able to shoot an AK-47 well for video cameras. Pay commensurate with experience; applicant must be Islamo-fascist, hate George W. Bush, and be willing to do whatever it takes to undermine the US-led "War On Terror." [Please, no more applicants from the State of Massachusetts. You may join our group if you wish, or continue to do our work in the US where you are at.]


1 comment:

MCR said...

Teddy K. is too old; but Kerry might be up for the job. I'm sure there are many other Howard Dean disciples ready to accept the position as well.