Thursday, March 08, 2007

LR's take on the recent Ann Coulter thing--

First of all, I am a fan of Ann Coulter. She gets to the meat of the matter quickly and succinctly. I like her style. It's a little more abrasive than some, but that's Ann. She's good at it.


Calling the Breck Girl a faggot? In my opinion, a junior high choice of words. I would call John Edwards a sleazy blood-sucking lawyer who is trying to buy his way into the White House. Her choice of words is not something I would use.

What I find interesting is how the same crowd that screams for "tolerance" is IN-tolerant to someone who is different (ie, disagrees with them and, in this case, also uses Junior High name-calling.) Ann's choice was hers. If we apply the left's languarge of tolerance, then she should not be condemned. We should be 'inclusive' and 'celebrate the diversity' that is represented by all opinions and word choices, including Ann Coulter's.

What's the message in all this?

1) Ann Coulter needs to be a little less impulsive, and think how she's going to say something before she says it.

2) "Tolerance" is not being tolerant. It's tolerating an idea or message (or even embracing it,) unless the message contradicts the left; then it's a "hate crime" and that idea or message is not tolerated. Contradictory, isn't it?


VPCheney said...


She didn't exactly call Edwards anything, and the joke was about rehab for offensive speech. The schoolyard taunt aimed at Edwards was implied, not spoken.

Ann is no politician, her impulsiveness about saying whatever she's thinking wouldn't allow that. I would not want her to hold back and go "politically correct" on us.

Your take on tolerance should make John Hawkins' Democrat translation guide.

Anonymous said...

It wasn't a smart choice of words. What are we in JR High? Going that far over the line lessens her credability and gives the Hearld and Review an excuse to drop her.

Hey VP have you been indited yet?

VPCheney said...

The H&R carried Molly Ivens' columns until she died. How many times did she step further over the line than Ann ever has? Almost every column was a hate-mongering diatribe against all that was conservative. I would hope that the H&R would continue to allow Ann's politics and humor column to continue on their editorial page if for no other reason than to counter balance the whacky liberals who grace the left side of the page.

Good to hear from you, Sponge.