Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Military Prepares For Possible Hillary Presidency

Unlikely as it is, if Hillary Clinton does get into the White House, there will be big changes.

Below are snapshots of our military preparing for such a contingency...

The US Army's new Schwin LFG-II mobile gun/artillery

US Coast Guard's assault slugboat...

Navy pilots' newest guided armament for their jet fighters...

Not to be outdone, the Airforce launches their own version...

The USS Pigmy, the Navy's newest "attack carrier"...

US Marine Corps BAA-Lam 106 mobile rocket launcher...

And if that presidential portrait is needed:


BA Moonshadow said...

US Marine Corps BAA-Lam 106 mobile rocket launcher.
That one should REALLY make the Iraqi president very nervous.

Anonymous said...

"The sheep lies! The sheep lies!"