Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Are You Ready For Some Footbal...I mean Campaigning?

It almost seems like a Superbowl Game with two teams you really don't like, but you're forced to watch anyway. The Soros' SOCIALISTS vs. the Nevada RINOS.

I've been hanging back and watching all the circus over the past few months. The democrats couldn't produce a good or worthy candidate if they wanted to. They've already alienated Joe Lieberman, so he's out. I can't think of any other decent Dems out there. The extreme left's hold on the DNC pollutes the picture, and with the Drive-By Media also pushing the extreme left agenda, no moderate has a snowball's chance in hell.

Decatur Republican had it right (then again, so did Entertainment Earth!) In order for Obama to win this election, McCain would have to stick his head in the sand and ignore all the outrageous crap that Obama brings to the table. Unfortunately, the GOP hasn't had the "testicular fortitude" to nail Obama for the terrorist-associations, racist associations, his wife's "Whitey" statements, the nations most liberal senatorial voting record, and his outright socialist economic policies. IF the GOP pounces on this, and especially if his pacifist approach to radical terrorist groups is proven to be the most foolish thing this side of Neville Chamberlain, I don't think McCain will have much to worry about.

HOWEVER....we all have a lot to worry about when McCain gets in. Will he adopt a more conservative approach? Or will he go for illegal immigrant amnesty and the closing of our prisoner of war camps? I think Mr. McCain needs to think long and hard about WHO is going to get him in the White House and what that WHO truly stands for: conservative political policies, traditional values, and responsibility in finance as well as in management of resources.

1 comment:

Caesar said...

Honestly this Presidential race is a microcosm of what is wrong with America the lack of real men. We are stuck with two whiners that do nothing but belly ache about “political” low blows. They both whine about statements made about their wives, racism, and ageism. If these two can’t stand to fight it out for the most powerful job on the planet then how will they stand up to two-bit dictators, or the pointless UN. I can already hear the framing of Kyoto II ready to slap America with a carbon tax and our acquiescence. I can see another decade of subservience to OPEC and environmentalist. We need someone that is fed up with the status quo in Washington and offer real leadership.