Tuesday, January 31, 2006

DNC: out of touch, out of money, and running out of time?

Photos courtesy of RushLimbaugh.com
The caption for the top picture was "sad dems."

Over the past few days, there has been talk that the DNC may ask Howard Dean to resign. Under Dean's leadership, there has been massive spending by the DNC, but very little in the way of fund-raising as compared to the Republicans. In fact, with Dean at the helm, Democrats have only about 1/6 of the funds collected by their Republican counterparts.

According to Rollcall.com, Howard Dean has spent almost all the DNC's money, and they may not have enough to properly assist candidates for this fall's election. In addition, it appears that other DNC heavy hitters have put the heat on Dean.

Now for the big question: Will the Democrats be able to mount a campaign this fall with the little they have currently that can sufficiently go up against the RNC? There are two areas where I see trouble: 1) The DNC's Bush-bashing / Alito-bashing/ chronic negativism isn't working. Bush's approval numbers are up, and have consistently been much higher than any Democrat in the House or Senate; Alito got confirmed with very little trouble; the economy is the best it's been in years (unemployement rate under 5%,) and the people of this nation are taking notice. 2) It's a little late in the game for the Democrats to be able to raise a considerable amount of cash so quick, so I don't think they're going to be able to do much. Although....with the George Soros types out there, it is entirely possible there may be a surge in funds over the next few months.

Assuming all of this is indeed true (I've only seen these two sources,) I would expect that along with increased fundraising, that the campaign strategy will turn even nastier and more confrontational that the 2004 presidential election was. If the Democrats put all their hope in the Abramoff scandal, they will be sadly disappointed when all is said and done. As more and more information comes to light that significant Democrats, including Harry Reid himself, have been involved with Abramoff and his clients, the more the Abramoff card being played by the DNC will be worthless.

It will be fun to watch.


LincolnRepublican said...

Osama Baraka (aka Barak Obama, D-Illinois) should feel honored that Rush Limbaugh included him in a photo mantage with other big-time Democrats.

Then again, maybe he's not so happy about it.

On another note, when does Dick Durbin come up for re-election? Is it this fall or in two years?

LincolnRepublican said...

Taken from GOP.com:

Sixty-Three Percent Of Americans Say Democrats Are Doing A "Not So Good Job" Or "Poor Job" "Presenting A Clear Agenda And Set Of Ideas On Major Issues." (NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll, 1,011 Adults, Conducted 1/26-1/29, Margin Of Error +/-3.1%)

MCR said...

I would look not only for a large fund-raising push, but also a Hillary-esque "move to the middle" amongst many democrats running for office this fall. I may be wrong, but I think Governor Cain's centrist remarks after the State of the Union speech will be echoed by many candidates who are realizing the leftist fringe has cost the DNC seats.

Anonymous said...

again you leave me puzzled with that statistic. Is showing the voter's view of the democrat's job of presenting a clear agenda supposed to show how Bush is ahead of all Democrats in approval? Because if it did, well you just suck at proving a point.

LincolnRepublican said...

According to Investors Business Daily, “Forty of 45 Democratic senators have received money from Jack Abramoff, his associates and Indian tribe clients.” Here’s IBD’s “Top Ten:

John Kerry, Massachusetts, $98,550
Byron Dorgan, North Dakota, $79,300
Patty Murray, Washington, $78,991
Harry Reid, Nevada, $68,941
Tom Harkin, Iowa, $45,750
Joe Lieberman, Connecticut, $29,830
Chuck Schumer, New York, $29,500
Mary Landrieu, Louisiana, $28,000
Max Baucus, Montana, $22,500
Maria Cantwell, Washington, $21,765

Source: campaignfinanceanalysisproject.com

Anonymous said...

Hi yeah, if I made a $50 dollar donation to you, could I run a story saying Man takes campaign funds from Junkies, Pedophiles, Sadist, and the PFC. Records show he took $50 dollars from all groups. Because that is what the statistic shows. Yeah Democrats took money from the tribes, strangely enough less money than they took from them before Abrahoff starting representing them. But did any of them take a single dollar from JACK! himself. No, that would be an entirely Republican club. Did any Democrats take money from tribes and change their stances on issues affecting those tribes like say.....The good Sen. Burns. Not that would know of, and if we find Demos doign that, I say throw them out, like Conrad is getting thrown out come November. The Abrahoff scandal, Republicans doing bad things.....Thanks try again!