Thursday, June 22, 2006

"Bush Lied...There Were Never Any WMDs in Iraq!"



LincolnRepublican said...

Let me get this straight...

over FIVE HUNDRED MISSLES containing Sarin and Mustard Gas are not capable of killing thousands of people and decimating entire cities, if not entire countries (aka Israel.)

What planet are you on?

VPCheney said...

Greetings SpongeBlog! Glad you're back.

Anonymous said...

Dear (Loyal?) Opposition,

Are you saying that if it is shown that there was significant WMD activity or preparation to reconstitute WMD, then you would support our president?

Or are you saying that even if there were proof of WMD, it wouldn't matter because you wouldn't support our president no matter what?

There is more to the WMD story at: Why Iraq WMD Finds Were Kept Secret Harold C. Hutchison June 23, 2006

National Review: The Threat Saddam Posed. (cover story) By: Lacey, James 4/10/2006 The (earlier) article discusses the fact that Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) were not found in Iraq during the Iraq war. A report by the Iraqi Survey Group suggests that Saddam Hussein was preparing to initiate a WMD program the moment sanctions ended, an event that was only stopped by the United States' invasion of Iraq.