Monday, June 18, 2007
BA Moonshadow Strikes Gold!!!
Check out new local blogger BA Moonshadow 's newest post!
Al Gore Bush-bashes because GHWB didn't do enough to stop Saddam's weapons programs and his pursuit of WMD including nukes!! And then he bashes W because suddenly Saddam didn't have WMD and wasn't a threat. Gore you are pathetic!
BA, great post! Nice to have you on board!!
I just had a flashback to "The A-Team." You don't know a guy named Murdock, do ya? :)
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Thanks, LR.
Murdock rocked. Stinky cigars, though.
Bamoonshadow's video is exactly what the democratic party is all about.
It's not about right and wrong, it's about how to bash the other side. If Saddam was so evil and pursuing WMD so much and was even known to Al Gore to be pursuing nuclear weapons, how could he have forgotten this after 2003?
I would have loved to have seen W put this video up during his debate with Gore before the 2000 election. Or John Kerry, for that matter.
Ah yes, BA Moonshadow – os is that VPCheney reincarnated.
Al Gore in 1992 was just as correct as Al Gore is now in 2007.
Keep grasping at those straws though – it’s fun to watch all you wingnuts twist…
‘Can’t wait for the next post!
In other words:
When Al Gore said there were WMD in 1992 and then when he said there never were any in 2000 he was not contradicting himself.
Makes perfect sense.
In the warped twisted world of liberalism.
The WMD that the Regan administration gave them were used on the Kurds and Iranians...
Remember the UN Weapons Inspectors?
1. Who sent them in?
2. What did they find?
3. What did they report?
4. When King George invaded Iraq, what did he find?
1. The World(US included)
2. No WMD
3. No WMD
4. No WMD
The cabinet under your sink contains worse WMD than was made in Iraq.
Give it up.
Congratulations! You're one of the 25% Bush supporters left...
What's the old saying "you can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time..." Guess we know where you fit!
Uh...Al Gore in 1992 was not talking about JUST the chemical weapons. He was also talking about NEW weapons of mass destruction that Saddam was making and that Saddam was also looking for nuclear weapons. Gore called him a threat to the US and that he must be stopped.
Then, after 2003, Gore turns around and says there were NEVER any WMD in Iraq!! This is a DIRECT CONTRADICTION to his 1992 statement. He said there was never any evidence of Saddam pursuing nukes. Again, a blatant contradiction. He said, "Bush lied!"...
Well, Al, if Bush lied in 2003, then YOU LIED FROM 1992 on! You and at least a dozen democrats who all called Saddam a threat to the US and a great evil in the world.
Bush is one person. But if Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Joe Biden, Chuck Shumer, Nancy Pelosi,Dick Durbin, Barbara Boxer, and many other democrats ALL said the same thing as Al Gore did from the early 90's on, even until months before 9-11, then ALL THOSE DEMOCRATS ARE ALSO LIARS AND DELIBERATELY MISLED THIS COUNTRY INTO WAR! EVERY DEMOCRAT WHO AGREED WITH AL GORE IN 1992 SHOULD BE IMPEACHED AND THROWN INTO PRISON. ALONG WITH ALL THOSE PEOPLE WHO RIGGED THE TWIN TOWERS TO FALL AND ALLOWED 911 TO HAPPEN. ALL THAT CARNAGE..AT THE HANDS OF LEFT-HANDED TRANSGENDERED JEWS!!!
Wow...I can't do it. I've tried to do my best moonbat, but I just can't do it. The lack of logic and the sheer idiocy of the left-wing wackos are too "outside-the-bounds-of-rational-thought" for me to handle.
Gore was bashing his competition in 1992. He told the truth about what Saddam was doing. He told the truth about what Saddam had, what he was making, and what he planned on acquiring.
In 2003, Gore totally reversed his position. Suddenly, Saddam wasn't doing anything, he had nothing, was making nothing, and wasn't acquiring anything from anywhere, ALL this in an effort to bash his competition.
Both statements can't be right, so AL GORE is the obvious liar here.
Then again, when was the last time a prominent democrat told the truth?
Hmmmm. 1963? 1945? '63. Johnson was okay but JFK may have been more honest. I'll go with '63.
To be honest, if I would have watched a little bit more of "The View" over the past several months, I might have been able to do a better job of the idiot left-wing loonie.
Guess I'll have to start watching the Price Is Right.
There is little doubt that most policy makers believed that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction and would have developed more if he could have. The world knew that he had used them in the past. Bill Clinton and Al Gore thought he had them in the 90s. Here is the big difference - Clinton did not get the nation involved in a protracted, costly war - that was Bush's doing. You can say that 9-11 changed everything - I am not denying that - but, there were already measures in place to limit Saddam's production and influence. There are significant problems with WMDs around the globe - most notably from the former states of the Soviet Union. Where is the Bush administration or the Democratic leadership in Congress on this issue? No where to be found. It is more politically expedient to criticize past poor decisions. Everyone knows Iraq was a huge, costly mistake – even the conservatives. The leaders of our country should be held accountable - Democrats and Republicans alike. The Dems were pressured politically and were not courageous enough at the time to challenge this poor decision. The conservatives in power were wrong at almost every turn in Iraq - now they act like they had no choice. There were plenty of voices of dissent within the administration – where are they now – retirement. This is all a mark of extremely poor leadership. I do not care to here about how those that had little or no decision making authority on the deployment into Iraq felt or what they said at the time (Obama included). An argument trying to get conservatives to admit fault is futile – I am really wasting my time here.
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